AJS is heading towards half a century of life with a company profile that is permanently in tune with changes and developments in the market.
From the injection of plastic parts from the beginning to the forefront in pneumatic dosing, the company persevered in “a permanent attitude in the search for excellence”, as defined by the company itself.
Federico Serenelli has joined as Sales Manager of AJS and, in dialogue with Maquinac, reviews the current sales, the effect caused by the Neumath dispenser and the strategy to reach seed drill manufacturers and end users.
Did you have unprecedented achievements AJS in 2021?
The company has a history of 40 years and is always surpassing itself. Last year it reached one million dispensers in different brands of seeders and it was a record.
It is a figure that speaks very eloquently of the arrival of AJS on the market.
What novelty has been highlighted?
We are very happy with the Neumath pneumatic dispenser, which, although it was developed three years ago, we continue to present and spread it.
It is a team 100% produced and developed by us.
What goals does AJS have with the Neumath?
It is a very big bet that AJS is making, although we want to go little by little, because it is the philosophy of the company, which is recognized for the quality of its products.
We want to continue down that path. The Neumath dispenser is a development that required a lot of work and effort on the part of the Engineering people.
Does interest in the dispenser continue to grow?
We show it in society at Expoagro 2022 and we are receiving inquiries from some factories to install it as standard on the machines.
We also have the satisfaction of users who have converted their seeders from mechanical to pneumatic.
Pneumatic dosing, has it become a technology that opens doors for many improvements in the seeder?
It is a technology that provides options. It can be pneumatic dosage with mechanical control or also with state-of-the-art technology, such as electric motors, already in what is Precision Agriculture.
How is the AJS business approached regarding the provision for manufacturers and for retrofitting?
The idea for this year is 40% of what is factory and 60% of production to reach users through a dealer who is trained to start up the product.
We analyze the user’s sowing body, because each brand of seeders has its particularities.
Based on this analysis, the adaptation is made. And our dealer, through its mechanics, does the installation and start-up.
On the other hand, each planter factory has its Engineering Department that is in contact with ours and there is a two-way process for the best final result.
Is the migration from mechanical to pneumatic seeders massive?
The step from mechanics to pneumatics is what is coming. In our case, it implies following the evolution of modernization and the technological parameters that the field is demanding today.
Faced with these parameters and these new paradigms, it is necessary to update, investigate and develop innovations.
Among those paradigms, are electric motors?
Ten years ago, when a producer or contractor purchased a pneumatic system, it was a novelty.
Now there is a whole technological package for planting that allows another leap in productivity.
The Argentine product is very open to what is coming and we listen to it because we learn every day.
How is the work with the commercial network?
There is a dealer network that demands AJS products. The idea is to continue with these people and train them.
And then there is the objective of seeing the possibility of incorporating new dealers, of new service providers.
We are very open in that sense. But I always emphasize that ours is a very good product and we must respect it.
Does the AJS concept of quality also extend to the work of the dealer?
The dealer that represents our product must follow a line of seriousness and provision of high quality services.
The dealers, apart from being friends of the house, are our arms, our eyes and our ears.
A dealer is the extension of the company and represents it in the areas where we want to reach.
source: https://maquinac.com/2022/03/federico-serenelli-ajs-es-reconocida-por-la-calidad/